Cowdroy’s Cheshire Directory (1789)

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The Directory and Guide for the City and County of Chester, by W. Cowdry. Published 1789.

The full text for Sandbach reads:


This town stands on a high bank, upon the little river Wheelock; the place is small, and was made a market-town by Sir John Radcliffe, Lord thereof; which market is continued weekly every Thursday, it has also two annual fairs:- King’s Vale Royal tells us, that in the market-place are two square crosses of stone, or steps, with certain images and writings thereon engraven; which a man cannot read, except he be turned topsey-turvey, and his head where his heels should be; a situation the author’s head just certainly have been when he penned two such elegant couples; which are translated for the entertainment of the reader:

In Sandbach, in the Sandy Ford,
Lies the ninth part of the Dublin hord,
Nine to, or Nine fro,
Take me down or else I fall.

Whether the treasure was ever found, the history of the place does not inform us. — Sandbach contains a well-built church.

Sandbach Directory

  • Rev. Mr. Sibson
  • William Wells, esq
  • Joseph Skerratt, gent.
  • Mr. Millington, surgeon
  • Mr. Twemlow, ditto
  • Mr. Harrison, attorney
  • Mr. Darlington, ditto
  • Mr. Whitehead
  • Mr. Cartwright
  • Mrs. Twemlow, grocer
  • Mrs. Henshall, ditto
  • Mr. Podmore, ironmonger
  • Mr. Whittingham, ditto
  • Mr. Galley, woollen and linen draper
  • Mr. Bull, ditto
  • Mr. Shaw, sadler
  • Mr. Allcock, George Inn
  • Mrs. Harrison, grocer
  • Miss Sibson, millner
  • Mr. Stringer, white-smith